Training & Equipping

I had the privilege of being invited to equip the students at the new Revive School in Bedford at the King’s Arm’s Church. We had a great morning listening to a talk by Simon Holley called the Full Gospel of the Kingdom. As Jesus prioritised the Kingdom and speaking about it throughout His ministry, we should too. And we should not seperate out the Gospel message from the Kingdom, the cross, burial and resurrection are entry points into the Kingdom and this is the good news!

After the morning session I got to introduce the students to the “weapon”, Jesus at the Door. I took them through the steps of asking people questions, ‘Have you seen this picture before?” “And do you ever pray?”

I then got a chance to demonstrate how it worked, and each student got to practice using it with their partner.

I also got a chance to share some experiences I have had as people have encountered God through this tool. One security guard at Wembley shopping mall who we took through the steps, after we prayed for him, we asked if he felt anything? He said, 'I felt light go through my body’. Another young lady who we led to the Lord on the streets of Thetford said she, ‘Could not believe this was happening to her!’

God is moving in the UK and touching peoples lives. I am praying the students go out and use the tool of Jesus at the Door.


Outlining the Vision - 21st Oct 24