who we are
In 2019 God called my wife and I back from the developing world’s mission field, where we were serving on a base in Katmandu, Nepal, onto the developed world’s mission field to create a base from which to do the work he had called us to.
We pursue love, eagerly desire spiritual gifts, and long to see people encounter the One, True, Living God through the gospel of Jesus Christ in both word and the Holy Spirit’s power.
He called us to begin to equip the local churches and train up radical Gideons who would impact the society around them. There are three main areas the Lord has asked us to work into - evangelism and outreach, healing the sick and delivering those oppressed by the enemy.
‘Part time’ we lead a church plant in Thetford, Norfolk and the other half of my time I equip believers to operate in power and clearly communicate the gospel as well as taking teams to various places in the UK on outreach, including some overseas ministry trips. We are regularly on the streets proclaiming and demonstrating the gospel of the Kingdom. Kylie is gifted in administration and handles the behind the scenes logistics and planning to make all things run smoothly.
We work cross denominationally with various organizations primarily focused on outreach evangelism and church planting. Matt is a guest evangelist at two discipleship schools, one in Norfolk and one in Bedfordshire where he equips people in evangelism and the prophetic.
We have three beautiful children, two girls and a boy and love spending time together walking in the vast forests in Norfolk. As well as a good chat over some proper decent coffee!